There are very few true orthodontic emergencies, but we are always available to help you. Call our office as soon as possible if you or your child damages or loosens their braces or orthodontic appliance. Please don’t come directly to the office. Calling in advance ensures that we can properly get you on our schedule. Even if you already have an appointment on the calendar, call us right away if your child needs to have their braces repaired.
Surprisingly, most orthodontic problems can be remedied at home after calling our office. While you wait for your appointment, these guidelines will help you resolve minor problems. Please know that even if you alleviate the pain caused by your broken appliance, you still need a repair appointment. A few of the most frequent orthodontic emergencies are:
Lost Separator
Sooner or later, most kids manage to lose a separator during their treatment. Please don’t worry about it, but do call our office to see if it needs to be replaced.
Loose Bracket Or Bands
If you or your child loosens a bracket or wire, call us right away. We may need to re-fit the bracket. During a nighttime or weekend event requiring that you cut a wire or slide a bracket off, please wash some fingernail clippers and then sterilize them in alcohol before using them to cut the wire. Call us the next business day so that we can make an appointment to see your child.
Wire Irritation
If the wires on your braces are causing discomfort, try to resolve it by moving the wire away from the irritated area with a cotton swab or eraser. If the wire doesn’t budge, try covering its end with a small piece of cotton or a little wax. In the case of pain, please wash some fingernail clippers and then sterilize them in alcohol before using them to cut the wire. If your child still feels irritation, call us at the office to schedule an appointment.
Discomfort from Orthodontic Treatment
During the first week after their braces are in place and routine adjustments are complete, there will likely be some pain, soreness, or discomfort. You may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while adjusting to the new braces. A warm washcloth or heating pad may reduce the soreness in the jaw area.
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